Here's a glimpse into the strategies of the enemy in the different phases of our journey towards greater maturity in Christ.

Milk Phase: Here as a new believer, the enemy is focused on drawing us back into our old habits and convincing us that our old nature still lives. This phase he is very overt. Here, he is using hooks and snares to remind us of a past that has been forgotten by God and to trap us into old patterns of thinking. It is here we experience the beauty of the cross and the reality of our co-crucifixion.

Bread Phase: Here as we come out of the milk and begin to take thoughts captive, experience the grace to reign in all areas of life, and more, we see a different type of warfare. The enemy now focuses on keeping us self-absorbed. The teaching of churches focused on "dying to self" actually perpetuate being obsessed with self. There is also energy from enemy to be consumed with the cares and affairs of a world we are not of. It is here we experience the reality of the power of our co-resurrection.

Meat Phase: Here we are learning how to set our minds on things above, living as a new creation, learning to occupy our inheritance, and more. Again, the warfare begins to shift. The enemy is now becoming much more subtle. He now wants to woo us through the praises of men to get us to rely on gifting, rather than the Giver. We must remain humbled by our weakness and captivated by His strength. It is here we begin to live from our co-ascension in Christ.

There is a lot more that could be written. It is the "meat phase" that the enemy doesn't want us to get to in our understanding. It is here that we function from dominion where we bring down heaven to earth. We live as a multi-dimensional creation that are hidden in Christ living above circumstance. Wine goes well with meat. We not only feast on the Lamb, but drink of His wine, which brings an immeasurable awareness of joy that we can laugh at the absurdity of a defeated foe.