Pay Attention

Pay Attention

In this message Brian shares about the importance of what has abducted our attention and how that effects our thought life, choices, and consequences. [powerpress channel="premium"]
Increased Awareness

Increased Awareness

In this message Brian discusses our co-ascension with Christ and how this effects everything in our lives. Learn how to function, live, and move as a new creation, which is a multidimensional creation. Just as Jesus was aware of what the Father was doing and saying,...
Rocking the Valley

Rocking the Valley

The Kingdom doesn’t move downhill. It’s glory to glory, faith to faith, up and up. The Kingdom is always advancing and moving upward. Brian debunks some myths about valleys and shares on the real purpose as well as the power of grace to reign in all areas of life....
Advancing Without Settling

Advancing Without Settling

We all have a choice in life: to live from abundance and advance or to live from perceived lack and settle. Brian shares on walking in our full inheritance as sons and daughters of God to advance the Kingdom in every area of life. [powerpress...