Interview with Andy Sanders

In this podcast, I interview my friend Andy Sanders. He has owned the publishing company Five Fold Media for years, is a writer for the Elijah List and is focused on projects called Capturing the Supernatural.
Same Works

Same Works

In this vlog, I talk about what it really means to do the same works of Jesus. How did He do what He did and what does that mean for us today?
Your Book in Heaven

Your Book in Heaven

In this message, I share how each of us has a book (scroll) in heaven that was written before time with our purpose. This revelatory message will bring to light some incredible truths about who we are in Him and what we have been sent here to...
Interview with John Sprecher

Interview with John Sprecher

In this interview, I talk with my new friend John Sprecher. He is starting fathering centers in the nations and seeing orphans become sons and daughters. You can learn more HERE. [powerpress channel="premium"]
Courts of Heaven

Courts of Heaven

In this message, I share about the Courts of Heaven and why it is important to engage the enemy there before the battlefield. [powerpress channel="premium"]