Decibel Level vs. Authority

Decibel levels don't equal authority. The demonic realm doesn't respond to the volume level of someone's voice, they respond to authority...period. God doesn't have hearing aids either. It's interesting that when talking to some people, their decibel level is normal...

Grey Space

Confusion is the result of believing that there is grey. There is Light and there is darkness, no grey. 1 John 1:5-6 says, "God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not...

Herod’s Influence

If a church divides or even worse, splits because of political viewpoints, then the guide of that church is a political spirit, not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will always guide us into multi-diverse, multi-cultural, and multi-layered mindsets to form a unique...
Interview with Dennis Zetting

Interview with Dennis Zetting

In this interview, I chat with Dennis Zetting, author of A Quantum Case for God. We talk about quantum and string physics and how it all connects to the existence of God, angels, and more.