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"I love practical but deep tools. I found one in The Ascended Life by Brian Orme! He las laid out a simple 21-day guide to get readers to live a deeper and more connected life with God, and it is full of practical connection points like declarations and prayers. I think this is exactly the kind of tool we need in this social media-driven, high-paced age during which we have to be this deliberate in setting apart real time for a real God journey. This book will frame it for you."

Shawn Bolz

Author of Translating God

The Ascended Life is a 21-day guidebook to help you see from a higher perspective. Height brings sight. It’s a journey to accomplish a mental relocation to throne-life realities with daily bits of breakthrough that will challenge, inspire, and encourage.

Let’s begin to live and function from our co-ascension in Christ. It’s a place above the cares and affairs of a world that we are not of. A place from which we can create the greatest impact on Earth. We were made new for this ascended life, and walking in it will transform how we live today and tomorrow.

Get this transformative book for $10, which is $2 off the retail price!

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